Curricula Supported
STEM activities as early as kindergarten. LETS GO programming begins with students in kindergarten. It engages them in hands-on, minds-on, project-based STEM activities in an out-of-school environment in elementary and middle school. LETS GO has developed 30+ hands-on/minds-on curricula covering science, engineering, robotics, and computer programming to engender students’ STEM interest and STEM identity where they internalize: “I like STEM”, “I can do STEM”, and “STEM is important to me.”
3D Design With Tinkercad
5th to 12th grades
BricQ Motion Essential | LEGO Education
K to 5th grades
BricQ Motion Prime | LEGO Education
5th to 9th grades
Code Studio-Computer Science Fundamentals |
K to 8th grades
Ecology Academy | LETS GO
1st to 8th grades
EV3 Robotics Academy | LEGO Education
4th to 8th grades
Engineering Adventures | Engineering is Elementary
1st to 7th grades
Engineering Everywhere | Engineering is Elementary
3rd to 8th grades
Engineering is Elementary | Engineering is Elementary
K through 8th grades
FIRST ® LEGO® League Discover | FIRST and LEGO
K to 1st grade
FIRST ® LEGO® League Explore | FIRST and LEGO
2nd to 4th grades
FIRST ® LEGO® League Challenge| FIRST and LEGO
4th through 9th grades
FIRST® Tech Challenge | FIRST and LEGO
7th through 12th grades
Girls Who Code
3rd through 12th grades
Junior Engineers and Scientists Series [JESS] Volumes 1 & 2 | LETS GO
K through 2nd grades
LETS GO Code: Arduino | LETS GO
5th through 12th grades
LETS GO Electro! | LETS GO
6th through 12th grades
Magic? No, It’s Science!
1st through 6th grades
Make It Work! Hands-On Engineering| LETS GO
6th through 12th grade
Machines and Mechanisms: Early Simple | LEGO Education
K and 1st grade
Machines and Mechanisms: Simple Machines | LEGO Education
2nd through 4th grades
Science Olympiad
5th through 10th grades
Scratch/Scratch, Jr.
K through 8th grades
SeaPerch| Office of Naval Research, Science, and Technology
5th through 8th grades
Simple Science and Everyday Engineering [S²E²] Volumes 1 & 2 | LETS GO
4th through 8th grades
Snap Circuits
2nd through 10th grades
SPIKE Essential | LEGO Education
K through 5th grades
SPIKE Prime | LEGO Education
4th through 10th grades
STEM2Home: Explore Boxes |LETS GO
K through 6th grades
Unplugged STEM Puzzles and Games | LETS GO
K through 5th grades
WeDo 2.0 Academy | LEGO Education *
2nd through 8th grades